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September 04, 2015
Hillary Clinton: Invalid
Stephen L. Miller draws another conclusion from her emails: Hillary is a doddering old addlebrain who cannot accomplish the simplest task on her own behalf but instead depends on a 24-7 staff of Wellness Workers to maintain her.
If I were to approach a person on the street and list off traits like "doesn’t drive," "needs food prepared," "needs help with the remote control," "needs people to bring her beverages," "has trouble remembering things,” and "doesn't pay her own bills" about someone anonymously, he wouldn’t think I was referring to a current presidential front-runner in the year 2015. He would think I was referring to his poor nana, whom he had to place in a home because she wouldn’t stop yelling at the lamp and was at risk of accidentally microwaving her dentures.
But, as we now know courtesy of the ongoing FOIA e-mail dump, all of these traits accurately describe the current Democratic front-runner and (as she is always eager to remind us) doting grandmother, Hillary Clinton. Amidst the e-mail revelations, an alarming pattern is developing about Clinton's personal dependency on those inside her inner bubble. She isn’t just delegating important tasks to underlings, as any executive might; these aren’t urgent matters of national security, such as aides' fetching satellite intelligence or the latest reports relevant to a managing executive.
Rather, it appears that Hillary is either helpless or unwilling to perform even the most menial and trivial of daily tasks... A person who was actually in the habit of e-mailing her drink orders to aides at the State Department: "Pls call Sarah and ask her if she can get me some iced tea." The e-mails show that Hillary is either helpless or unwilling to perform even the most menial and trivial of daily tasks. Ponder that one again for a moment: She e-mailed one person to call yet another person with an order to bring her a beverage. A normal person, incapacitated and laid out in a hospital bed, can usually get beverage service in fewer steps than what Hillary was requesting.
I've cut out an important part in the middle there, due to fair use, so I suggest you click. Miller also throws a hat-tip to the Free Beacon for exploring Hillary's growing dementia.
I asked a doctor about Hillary's likely malady and he said she probably has what neurologists call "Garbage Brain."