« Reporter And Camera Man Killed On Live TV In Roanoke, Virginia |
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August 26, 2015
Oh My God: The Virginia Journalist Assassin is... Live Tweeting
via @biasedgirl, this is either the killer's twitter stream, or a sick impostor.
Apparently it's real -- because it just got suspended as I was reading it. In addition, he posted a Vine of him pulling a gun on Adam and Allison (sorry I don't know their last names) just before the execution.
He seems to be grinding racial axes:
He also posted his own video of the shooting -- the clip on twitter did not include the actual shooting, but it had him pulling out his gun to aim it at the female reporter's chest.
He also complained that after working with him just one time, Allison reported him to Human Resources.
He thinks this was a breach.
Given the fact that this lunatic just murdered two people and filmed himself murdering them, I'm going to go out on a limb and say he said creepy, weird things to Allison which made her scared of him.
Suicide: He's killed himself. He delivered his "manifesto" to ABC earlier. That should be fun.
Update: Still Alive?
Gawker Gonna Gawker:
Maybe, Just Maybe, His Complaints of Racism and Filings with the EEOB Were Figments of His Demented Mind:
Or, nah: We should probably batten down for a few days of the media asking "Did white America drive this man to desperate measures?"