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Morning Thread (7-21-2015) »
July 20, 2015
Overnight Open Thread (7-20-2015)
Quote of the Day I
And, though you may not have noticed, this last week was an especially racist one.
-- Karol Markowicz in Suddenly, Everything Is Racist
Quote of the Day II
It would be an improvement if the left could stick to either of its double standards. Personally, I think fellow Americans - even ones who wear Lynyrd Skynyrd shirts - deserve some of the nuance and understanding so many reserve for Islam extremism. But if you're going to take your zero tolerance for symbols of 19th century slavery so seriously, maybe you should show the same myopic zealotry with regard to the forces who are enslaving people right now.
-- Jonah Goldberg
Quote of the Day III
An avowed socialist was heckled by #BlackLivesMatter protestors while being interviewed by an illegal immigrant and author of a recent documentary about white privilege.
-- Andrew Stiles in The Modern Democratic Party, Explained in One Sentence
Quote of the Day IV
There are few things more cringeworthy than watching stiff-shirted, scripted folks attempting charisma. But that's exactly what happened in Hillary Clinton's latest social media soirée.
-- Kemberlee Kaye in Watching Hillary Clinton's Embarrassing Snapchat Video
Quote of the Day V
Die-hard conservatives thought that if I couldn't get everything I asked for, I should jump off the cliff with the flag flying-go down in flames. No, if I can get 70 or 80 percent of what it is I'm trying to get ... I'll take that and then continue to try to get the rest in the future.
-- Ronald Reagan
A Bit of Good News
First, reminding us that there are many good and decent people fighting the good fight for freedom, Aaron and Melissa Klein (Sweet Cakes by Melissa) who had been ordered to pay $135,000 to a same-sex couple who threw a legal-sized fit when the Kleins opted not to to provide a cake for their commitment ceremony because it would violate their religious beliefs, have seen a record-breaking $352,500 raised at their Continue to Give fundraising campaign. This just in two months time and on top of the $109,000 already raised in the now shutdown GoFundMe campaign.
Wesley Clark's Modest Proposal on MSNBC: Hey, Let's Put Dissidents in Internment Camps!
Black Man Who Supported Confederate Flag Killed By #BlackLivesMatter
Bad Outlook For McDonalds
The six-month outlook for franchisees is at an all-time low, according to a small survey by Mark Kalinowski, a long-time restaurant industry analyst. Some 29 franchisees, who collectively own and operate 208 McDonald's restaurants in the United States, were asked to give their six-month forecast from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). The average response was 1.69, the lowest in the survey's 12-year history.
"Corporate has no answers," one respondent said. "They are throwing ideas at the wall hoping something will stick. Their collective arrogance has come home to roost."
And fingers are being pointed at British-born CEO Steve Easterbrook:
Easterbrook plans to unveil his plan for turning McDonald's into a "modern, progressive burger company" on May 4.
Why does a company that sells hamburgers and other fast food need to be 'progressive' - or have any politics at all?
Like the Cockroach Charlie Crist Will Never Ever Be Eradicated
Student Blows $90K College Fund Then Blames Parents When She Can't Pay For School
"Maybe [my parents] should have taught me to budget or something. They never sat me down and had a real serious talk about it."
Who Still Uses the Lee Enfield Rifle Today?
Well the Canadian Rangers have been using No4 MkI rifles for years while patrolling uninhabited, remote areas of Canada. But due to lack of spare parts they've finally switched over to modern Sako hunting rifles.

That leaves only the elite Danish navy unit, the Slædepatruljen Sirius, as the remaining user of Enfield-type rifles. They patrol the remote areas of Greenland for months at a time, checking for any foreign incursions while fending off polar bears. They still use the M1917 Enfield in 30-06 as it's one of the few rifles that's proven reliable in the harsh conditions there. Here is their no-BS recruitment video:
Vandals Keep Snipping Fiber Optic Cables in California With Impunity
Thank You God: Researchers Discover Seaweed That Tastes Like Bacon, Is Healthier Than Kale
An artist's interpretation of this new miracle manna/soylent green:

F1 Champion Tries His Hand at Local Go-Kart Racing, Goes From Last to First
But the amateur guy in first position still managed to hold him off for a full lap.
9 Shocking Game Show Moments
Well I think the first entry turned out to be a hoax but the rest from serial killers to NSFW acts to the Wheel of Fortune stalker were real.

Yes This Exists

The Yahoo AoSHQ group - it's got electrolytes and shit.
And my twitter thang.
Tonight's post brought to you by last steps on Earth:

Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by Maetenloch at
10:14 PM
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