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July 20, 2015
The Times (UK): Video Surfaces Proving that Sir Tim Hunt Was Joking in the Speech That Was Seized Upon for His Social Justice Warrior Smearing
Sir Tim Hunt was reported by a longtime SJW as having claimed that he didn't like working with women in his labs, because they sometimes cried and were occasionally complications, as he would fall in love with them, and vice versa.
He was made to resign from his post curing cancer because of the report of these remarks.
However, within a week, people who were at the speech said he was clearly joking, making fun of himself as a "chauvanist."
The SJW's did not accept this, because they are horrible.
Now the Times says video of the speech has surfaced which proves he was in fact completely joking.
So here we have what seems to be another case of Totalitarian Feminist Maenads becoming outraged over suggestions they are emotional and illogical and pointlessly vindictive, once again demonstrating themselves to utteyly emotional and illogical and pointlessly vindictive.
Even as the videotape clears Hunt, Totalitarian Feminist Maenads have pressured an Italian University to cancel an invitation for Hunt to speak there.

The Maenads, the drunken, ecstatic female followers of the god of revelry,
Dionnysus, attack a man for no reason except pure pack-animal mob pleasure...
one site notes "in their frenzy they tear apart wild animals and devour the raw flesh"...
that's the most important word: frenzy
Even Super Anti-GamerGate SJW Brianna Wu:
Where should Sir Tim go to get his reputation back?
And where will people with cancer go to get their Nobel Prize winning biologist back?
But you got your scalp, and you distracted yourselves from your own empty, envious lives for a day and a half, and that's all that matters.