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Overnight Open Thread (7-16-2015) »
July 16, 2015
End of Day Round-Up
Update: Via O'Relliy, according to the New York Times, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez's father had been on a terror watch list, but then was dropped off it.
Ann Coulter just tweeted something correct:
I think the below is actually real, from this nice young terrorist's high school yearbook:
Known Wolf: His social media accounts had been flagged by intelligence as showing extremism.
Mark Levin unloaded on John McCain for surrendering Senate power on Iran to Obama.
Caitlyn Jenner is so beautiful and courageous I can't even.
Mark Halperin asked Rick Perry, get this, what he found disturbing in the Planned Parenthood video. Perry asked him back, Are you okay with it?
Perry's also taking on Trump, which I'm not sure is a great strategy.
Bobby Jindal is calling terrorism like he sees it:
It's time for the White House to wake up and tell the truth...and the truth is that Radical Islam is at war with us, and we must start by being honest about that. There have been many bad things that have happened under President Obama. One that stands out to me was the horrible shooting at Ft. Hood...which was clearly an act of terrorism by a Radical Islamist. Yet the White House labeled that horrible act as "workplace violence." This is grotesque. You cannot defeat evil until you admit that it exists.
Oh, the OPM breach -- not really a breach; the gift we made of our military's personal information to the Chinese -- exposed Seal Team 6.
Despite the fact that the Planned Parenthood video was, I've been assured, "heavily edited" and "misleading," Planned Parenthood's Chief Organ-Smuggler has apologized for the "tone" the doctor used in that video, and the doctor has been "reprimanded," I guess for being so indiscrete as to speak the truth.
Oh my God: Iran has already banned all US inspectors from all nuclear sites.
U.S. and Iranian officials confirmed Thursday that no American nuclear inspectors will be permitted to enter the country’s contested nuclear site under the parameters of a deal reached with world powers this week, according to multiple statements by American and Iranian officialsal-security/iran-bans-u-s-inspectors-from-all-nuclear-sites/#sthash.LTagtZGM.dpuf
I'm sure John Kerry will tell us of course that's what we always sought, and Bob Corker will tell us how hoppin', spittin' mad he is about this turn of events.
Personally, I'd stake my family's safety on the good performance of the below-referenced security camera:
But then, I don't like my family all that much.
BTW, that poll I put up for the book club only took 100 responses. I'm going to re-do the poll with a company that doesn't impose that restriction.
Open Thread!