� OPM Director Katherine Archuletta, Political Hack With Zero Qualifications for Job, Is Made to Resign, Not Because She Was Woefully Incompetent and Jeopardized Millions of People, But Because Republicans Were Making an Issue out of OPM |
AoSHQ Podcast: Emptying The Mailsack �
July 10, 2015
Political Hack Katherine Archuletta Goofed on Romney for Not Being "Up to Date" on National Security Threats; CNN Blames Republicans for Confirming Her
We should definitely put a woman who scoffs at national security threats from Russia and China in charge of safeguarding our military's and intelligence officers' blackmail files.
CNN blames Republicans -- and that's not a bait claim, that's real.
CNN first, parroting the spin Obama and Josh Earnest undoubtedly just gave them even though neither man will speak publicly about this:
When she won Senate confirmation to lead the Office of Personnel Management, the chief objections from lawmakers who voted against her focused on Obamacare.
That was October, 2013, and the 62-35 vote reflected the political concerns at the time about how the agency, which serves as the federal government�s HR department, would implement parts of the health care law opposed by Republicans.
Less attention focused on the agency�s role in handling government security clearances and how it safeguards some of the most sensitive U.S. government databases.
Even less was paid to why Archuleta -- whose most recent job was as a national political director for Obama for America, the President�s reelection campaign -- was the person to help fix what was an agency already struggling to deal with technology problems and serious data breaches.
Aides to Republican lawmakers who voted for her confirmation now acknowledge they didn't pay enough attention to the importance of technology in the agency Archuleta was taking over.
Allah points out that at the time, Republicans were in the minority, and 35 of their 45 voted against her, while all 55 Democrats voted to confirm her.
Further, Obama, looking for a malleable hack whose only qualification was an abject dependence on the Democrat Machine for paying work, appointed her.
How in the f** does CNN have the balls to spin this as a Republican failure?
Has CNN Stealth-Edited? Perhaps my eyes are tired, but I cannot see the passage in the story now that Allah quoted before.
Wrong, People Tell Me: My eyes are burning-red tired and I guess I'm just not able to read today. But Andy and others say the language still appears in the CNN piece.
I don't know why, but I keep only seeing the one line. It might be because I'm blinking a lot.
Eyes go bad when you spend too much time staring at an LED screen, and I have this week.
So I must abashedly retract my claim that the story had been edited.
Update: Hispanic groups threatened the GOP, if they should filibuster the unqualified walking Security Risk Katherine Archuletta: