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June 18, 2015
AoSHQ Tunderdome: Drew Vs. Brandon-Two Men Walk In But Only, Um, Well, Two Men Leave
So yesterday there was thing between Brandon and I about his quest to get the GOP to take a serious run at winning Pennsylvania.
This was the latest in a long running conversation Brandon and I have been having over his focus on "Just win damn it" and mine on "It matters who wins and what they do after they win."
Since you people clearly have a blood lust and want more fighting, we decided to appease the mob and do a podcast on the subject. And once we hashed that all out we went on a bit of a tour around the political world. Which is a nice way of saying my goal of keeping it to 20-30 minutes was not very realistic.
Anyway, we're as interesting as all hell so you should listen. Various listening options are on the Podcast homepage, which I just learned we have, so that's nice.
Special thanks to Andy for doing whatever voodoo he does to actual turn it into a file you can listen to.
posted by DrewM. at
11:07 AM
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