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June 16, 2015
Shock: Hillary Clinton Did Not Turn Over Subpoenaed Benghazi Emails
We only know this because the Benghazi Committee has subpoenaed Hillary consiglierte (and Clinton Foundation employee, natch) Sidney Bluementhal for his correspondence with Hillary about Benghazi -- and, get this, Blumenthal turned over more Hillary emails than State did.
But these emails had been previously subpoenaed -- not from Sidney Blumenthal, but from Hillary Clinton. Or, rather, from State, which had been assumed until recently to have Hillary's emails in their possession.
Either State had these emails and decided to thwart the Committee, or, even more likely, State never had them, because Hillary never turned them over to State.
The balls on this woman.
Michael Schmidt writing for the New York Times:
WASHINGTON -- Emails that a longtime confidant to Hillary Rodham Clinton recently handed over to the House committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, raise new questions about whether the State Department and Mrs. Clinton have complied with a series of requests from the panel.
The emails, provided by Sidney Blumenthal, a close adviser to Mrs. Clinton, include information about weapons that were circulating in Libya and about the security situation in Benghazi in the year and a half before the attacks. The committee has asked the State Department and Mrs. Clinton several times in the past year for emails from her and other department officials about "weapons located or found in" Libya and about the decision to open and maintain a diplomatic mission in Benghazi.
The emails from Mr. Blumenthal have widened a rift between the State Department and the committee. State Department officials said that they had complied only with requests and subpoenas related directly to the attacks because the committee's demands were too broad. The department has "provided the committee with a subset of documents that matched its request and will continue to work with them going forward," said a spokesman, Alec Gerlach.
But the panel has called that an excuse to protect Mrs. Clinton and to slow the investigation of the attacks...
That's absurd.