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Overnight Open Thread (4-8-2015)–Defining Teh Suck Down Edition »
April 08, 2015
Open Thread
Something to munch on: Ashe Show notes that society continues to protect -- and certainly not punish-- known hoaxsters who attempted to ruin peoples' lives with their vicious lives.
Or stir up potentially violent racial unrest with hoaxes.
The left continues insisting that these are "victims," even if they are actually Perpetrators, because all members of their voting coalition are victims.
I get why the left does that.
Why do we let them get away with this?
Jackie is a liar who attempted to ruin people's lives for, as far as anyone can tell, three cretinously petty goals:
1. To elicit the sympathy of a boy she liked.
2. To get a delay on tests or a break on scoring in classes she wasn't prepared for.
3. To ingratiate herself into a community who showered Value on her just for her telling the right lies.
She has a form of Munchausen's Syndrome -- I don't know if this syndrome applies to dreadful events, instead of just diseases, but she clearly has the same sort of syndrome. She likes being the center of attention, and she's found the way to do that is to make up outrageous lies about horrific, hallucinatory tribulations.
She should either be in therapy or she should be under criminal investigation. (She didn't file a police report, but then, she also didn't tell them she was lying when they spent money and manhours looking into her fantasy. I don't know if that counts as obstruction of justice -- but a lot of things seem to count as obstruction of justice.* )
Society cannot just continue turing a blind eye to hoaxers, false filers, and Social Justice Defamers. Yet society continues rewarding them.
The left wants more of this. And when you want more of a thing, you subsidize it.
So they're subsidizing it.
* It should be noted, though, that she avoided naming anyone in particular... until later, I guess, when she gave up a first name that matched someone who worked at the pool with her.
I suppose it sort of counts in her favor that she was so evasive about her lies -- so obviously deceptive -- that only a progressive Social Justice Warrior could possibly believe her.
I guess it counts in her favor that she named her rapist "Haven Monanan," thereby pretty much announcing to the world: "I'm lying for attention, please ignore everything I say."