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February 20, 2015
Our Secret Weapon In the War with IS: Racism
IS's racism, I mean. They could ally with Boko Haram to expand the Caliphate deeper into Africa.
But they won't.
Because they hate blacks.
Such wonderful people, honestly. I can see why Obama's always lookin' to spare them from any consternation.
Long before ISIS militants beheaded Christians on a Libyan beach last week, Nigeria's Boko Haram was carrying out similar atrocities 1,500 miles to the south. Now that ISIS is operating in northern Africa, will the Syria-based organization join forces with the continent's largest Islamist terror group?
Maybe not, say U.S. intelligence officials, and they suggest one obstacle is racism.
"The Arab world is incredibly racist," explained a U.S. intelligence official. "They don't see black Africans as equivalent to them."
ISIS may show "affinity" with Boko Haram, said the official, "but they stop short of allegiance."
If you were watching a movie, and the movie featured these two barbaric raping, murdering, gleefully demonic atrocities-filming armies, you would say "I don't believe it, this is a dumb movie, a movie should try to make its villains plausible, not make them over-the-top and cartoonish and theatrically evil-for-evils sake."
But that is what has been unleashed. And apparently our plan is to one day have a plan.