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Rudy Giuliani Doubles Down On Obama Patriotism Comments On Megan Kelly »
February 20, 2015
The Country Obama Doesn't Love Isn't Exactly Crazy About Him Either
Even Vox:
Allahpundit discusses an enemy Obama is willing to name and shame -- his domestic political rivals.
But then he goes on to quote Max Fischer (from the piece mentioned in the tweet above) talking Obama's vacation in Pretendistan.
Obama is faltering. He has veered so far into downplaying Islamist extremism that he appears at times to refuse to acknowledge its existence at all, or has referred to it as violent extremism....
This is backfiring. Obama’s conspicuous and often awkward attempts to sidestep the role of religion in Islamist extremism end up only drawing more attention to it....
Obama, by refusing to acknowledge that there is such a thing as Islamist extremism, has tied his own hands; he cannot draw a distinction between Islam and Islamist extremism if he pretends the latter does not exist. That has made it much harder for Americans to see where that line is for themselves.
Unfortunately, the Stupid Party is at it again: word has come down from, I imagine, the Establishment that you're not allowed to say obviously true things and now everyone is running from Giuliani's statement.