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February 09, 2015
NOLA Hotel Manager: If Brian Williams Saw Any Bodies Floating, They Were In His Dreams
Earlier it had been claimed that the French Quarter did not flood. Well, it sounds like it did flood -- a bit -- and anyway the Ritz hotel that Williams was speaking of wasn't in the French Quarter, but a block away.
However, the manager of the Ritz says that while there was a bit of flooding -- no more than ankle-deep, as Brian William's own picture shows -- certainly it wasn't deep enough to float a human body on nor, for that matter, deep enough to have drowned a human being in the first place.
And so Brian Williams' Katrina War Stories are getting worse and worse, too.
Hot Air has more about the Iraq incident -- it turns out that Brian Williams' producer echoed his claims on the chopper shoot-down years ago, though he now says he said no such thing.
Go read Allah's post to see what might have happened here. What might have happened is this: The producer said something about the chopper crew that actually took the hit seeing their bird being fired on, and whoever assembled the book in question jiggered around quotations to make it seem like Williams' chopper was taking fire.
Which is sort of what NBC has been doing all along. Williams goes right out and tells his dramatic story of being shot down. NBC doesn't quite do that; instead, they mislead -- apparently deliberately -- to make the public think they're claiming that Williams got shot at when, if you parse it quite carefully, they're not quite saying that.
Just hinting it.
Allah also quotes Politico on Williams' myth-making:
"Brian always feels the need to embellish," [a] NBC veteran said. "He has always been known for telling stories dramatically, and he’s known for making any story about him." But the bluster had always seemed more like a quirk than a time bomb. "It was more people eye-rolling: 'That's Brian,'" the NBC veteran said.
As you have probably heard, while Williams had planned to use his Letterman appearance this week (and he was forever appearing on Letterman and Fallon, and 30 Rock, and all other TV shows shooting in NYC) to "clear the air" about Lying About All The Things, he has now cancelled that appearance to spend more time with his Lies.