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February 06, 2015
But the Crusades: Norwegian Islamic Leader Says Hating Gays and Seeking Their Death Isn't "Extremist," It's What Every Good Muslim Seeks
And his congregation agrees with him.
"Every now and then, every time we have a conference, every time we invite a speaker, they [the media] always come with the same accusations: This speaker supports the death penalty for homosexuals, this speaker supports the death penalty for this crime or this crime or that he is homophobic, that he subjugates women, etcetera," said Qureshi in a video posted by the Middle East Memory Research Institute (MEMRI).
"We always try to tell them," he continued, "I always try to tell them that it is not that speaker that we are inviting who has these 'extreme radical views,' as you say. These are general views that every Muslim actually has."
"Every Muslim believes in these things," said Qureshi at the Nov. 7, 2013 conference.
"Just because they are not telling you about it, or just because they are not out there in the media, doesn't mean that they don't believe in them."
Video at the link, showing the entire congregation raising their hands to agree with his each statement about executing, stoning, etc., all Sex Deviants.
H/T of Town Hall and Hot Air.