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February 03, 2015
IS Kills Captured Jordanian Pilot, by Burning Him Alive
A "nation" of actual psychopaths. Jokerland.
Not much about this so far.
The group IS broadcast Tuesday a video of a man being burned alive in a cage and stated that it showed the Jordanian pilot captured after the crash of his F-16y in Syria, December 24th.
Maaz al-Kassabeh led a raid on IS positions as part of the international anti-jihadist coalition until he was captured.
The pilot, Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh, is shown in an orange jumpsuit in an outdoor cell before he is set on fire.
The undated video of al-Kaseasbeh’s apparent death comes just days after ISIS uploaded another video showing what appeared to be the decapitated head of a Japanese hostage, journalist Kenji Goto.
Last week the Jordanian government had offered to release an al Qaeda prisoner in exchange for al-Kaseasbeh, but officials said ISIS failed to prove that the pilot was alive.
Haven't they heard that Obama has pivoted to Middle Class Economics?
Incidentally, IS is also throwing gay men off of buildings. This last murder they achieved by stoning the victim to death after he survived the fall (thanks to @benk84's morning dump).