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January 24, 2015
Real Life Climatologist Roy Spencer On 2014 As The Hottest Year Ever: Nope! [CBD]
The guy has an actual PhD, in a discipline that might have some special insight into climate change. Yes, argument from authority is not popular around here, but in this case he really is a rocket scientist! And he really doesn't like the shabby analysis that passes for climatology nowadays.
Science as a methodology for getting closer to the truth has been all but abandoned. It is now just one more tool to achieve political ends.
This needs to be shouted from the rooftops, plastered across t-shirts, hammered into the skulls of every progressive who proclaims his dedication to rational thought but in reality worships at the altar of Moloch; willing to destroy anything for his own ends.
Oh....and he doesn't like journalists very much (I have a sneaking suspicion that he is a Moron)
Reports that 2014 was the "hottest" year on record feed the insatiable appetite the public has for definitive, alarming headlines. It doesn't matter that even in the thermometer record, 2014 wasn't the warmest within the margin of error. Who wants to bother with "margin of error"? Journalists went into journalism so they wouldn't have to deal with such technical mumbo-jumbo. I said this six weeks ago, as did others, but no one cares unless a mainstream news source stumbles upon it and is objective enough to report it.
This is an interesting, if slightly non-scientific point......
In what universe does a temperature change that is too small for anyone to feel over a 50 year period become globally significant? Where we don't know if the global average temperature is 58 or 59 or 60 deg. F, but we are sure that if it increases by 1 or 2 deg. F, that would be a catastrophe?
He is on quite a roll......
Where our only truly global temperature measurements, the satellites, are ignored because they don't show a record warm year in 2014?
In what universe do the climate models built to guide energy policy are not even adjusted to reflect reality, when they over-forecast past warming by a factor of 2 or 3?
And where people have to lie about severe weather getting worse (it hasn't)? Or where we have totally forgotten that more CO2 is actually good for life on Earth, leading to increased agricultural productivity, and global greening?
Go read it. I can't excerpt it all, but it's short, has some good links, and even has pictures!

posted by Open Blogger at
10:35 AM
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