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January 21, 2015
Democrat Senator Bob Menendez: The Administration's Claims on Iran's Good Nuclear Behavior Sound Like "Talking Points Straight Out of Teheran"
Right, and there's a reason for that; he's a f*cking liar.
"I have to be honest with you, the more I hear from the administration and its quotes, the more it sounds like talking points that come straight out of Tehran. And it feeds to the Iranian narrative of victimization when they are the ones with original sin," Menendez said during a Congressional hearing.
Video at the link.
Archliberals Brian Williams and Richard Engel also take Obama to task for his brazenly dishonest claims about national security.
Williams began by asking about Obama's claims about the state of the world, which seem to be entirely fantasized:
"Richard, we woke up here in the States this morning – new ISIS video. Two Japanese hostages," Brian Williams began. "They’re asking for $200 million, or they're going to assassinate both of them. Video of a Russian intelligence ship cruising into the harbor in Havana; it might as well have been 1962. And then this on-again, off-again possible coup in Yemen, a U.S. ally."
Richard Engel delivered the coup de grace: "It sounds like the president was outlining a world that he wishes we were all living in, but which is very different than the world you just described with terror raids taking place across Europe, ISIS very much on the move."
Video at that link as well.
Obama is doing the same thing as a Soviet dictator claiming the sugar crop hit record levels when in fact it was a catastrophe. He is simply doing it with foreign policy -- an area in which American media have severely cut back on personnel, and so aren't as in strong a position to rebut him.
Although they're not inclined to rebut him -- if Obama pretends that Boko Haram is not wiping out towns and raping its way across Nigeria, the media is very willing to pretend along with him.