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January 20, 2015
Good Lord: Co-Star of Robert Redford's "RatherGate" Claims Documents Were Actually All Real, But Corporate Employers CBS and Viacom Decided, for Some Strange Reason, to Bury the Truth
The co-star in question is an actor you've probably seen: Bruce Greenwood, the dull, WASPy actor who played Captain Pike in the Star Trek reboot.
He plays Mary Mapes' boss in the movie.
And he says that RatherGate was all too real, but the Corporate Media decided to throw poor Dan Rather and Mary Mapes to the right-wing blogger hounds, for... some reason. Money or something.
The incident "reflected poorly, ultimately, on CBS and Viacom who were unwilling to pursue the truth because there was legislation forthcoming that if they didn’t play ball with the [Bush] administration the legislation would have cost them millions and millions and millions of dollars," Greenwood says. "Rather than allow Mary Mapes and Dan Rather to support their story, they allowed this avalanche of right-wing resistance to swamp the real story."
Greenwood's take on Rathergate's fallout? Modern journalists are "under the thumb" of the powers that be, not the news cycle....
He complains that even Wikipedia has it wrong when it comes to Rathergate, according to his viewpoint.
"It's a reminder that if bull-expletive is repeated often enough it becomes perceived truth, conventional wisdom," he says.
Yes, like "Fake but Accurate," and your own movie, attempting to obscure what should be crystal clear.
Good God. Drooling, cretinous conspiracists everywhere.
But of course no one calls out the Left's brigades of conspiracists; they're just politely called promoters of a "Counter Narrative" or "Counter-Mythology."