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January 05, 2015
"How to Find a Feminist Boyfriend," Or, "How to Remain Single Until You're Maureen Dowd's Age"
The first title was the real title of the piece; the second was Kyle Smith's suggested Moar Accurate Headline.
Stace McCain makes fun of this woman.
I don't really care what this woman does to insure her long-term loneliness, but I do wish it to be made clear what she is seeking. She notes early on that "everybody is a feminist" as regards actual issues of equality-- that's true enough.
But of course that's not what "feminism" really means. If it meant that, they could shut up, because they won quite some time ago.
No, Feminism is now a series of double-standards and justifications for privileged status designed to ensure that a "feminist" is never questioned and always gets what she wants with no backtalk.
Now, if this woman wants a boyfriend who buys into that, fine. Some people are looking for submissive mates; this woman wants a man who's deferential and yielding. Rather like the stereotype of the mail-order (female) foreign bride, with lowered eyes and binded foot.
If that's what she wants, God Bless Her. Such Betas -- or Deltas, or Gammas -- have relatively few romantic prospects, and are certainly on no one's Must Have list. So if this Daddy's Girl wants to be continued to be treated like a child princess this time not by a man but by a demure, diffident boy, I have no problem with that.
If this shrill martinet and this delicate doilie of a sisterboy can find happiness together, that's great.