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December 26, 2014
All I Want For Christmas [OregonMuse]

Only chess nerds will appreciate this, but here goes: last summer, my daughter was antique shopping found a set of small Drueke chess pieces (2.5" King) in a wooden box with a sliding top. Her SIL noticed it first, but didn't think they were of any value, because they were only plastic pieces. Not an unreasonable assumption, but, in this case, simply wrong. Muse Daughter, who plays chess and who has seen similar Drueke sets go on eBay for $80 and more, immediately snapped it up and gladly paid the $20 asking price. She thought the pieces-in-box would make the perfect Christmas gift for her dear old dad who always has been devilishly hard to shop for, and she was right. I don't think the wooden box is a Drueke product, but I don't care, it's very nice. A very lovely and thoughtful gift from my dear daughter.
So what did you morons get for Christmas?
Bonus: Here's a another entry from the young woman I linked to the other day. She really does not like Al Sharpton very much. Warning for NSFW language:

posted by Open Blogger at
04:28 PM
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