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September 25, 2014
Overnight Open Thread (9-25-2014)
The TSA - Protecting Us From the Real Threat: Conservative Reporters
Meet the latest addition to the terrorist watch list.
This will break Mrs. Maetenloch's heart as she's long had a crush on this dirty reporter-terrorist.

James Delingpole: #GamerGate, GTA V, and Giving the Finger to the PC Brigade
More broadly, the scandal is about militant feminism and left-liberal entryism. Pretty much every games journal in the industry, it seems, is now in thrall to an achingly right-on cabal of writers, editors and bloggers who collude, via a secret mailing list, on how to shape the news agenda for their political purposes. This has led to a slew of stories about sexist bias and misogyny, fuelled by a vocal group of female wannabe games designers playing the professional victim card in order to advance their cause and their careers. So far, so nothing all that scandalous, you might think. But this is what makes the story oddly fascinating. In any other industry but gaming, the antics I've described above have become routine: no one is remotely surprised any more, for example, when climate scientists and green activists collude with wildlife charities, politicians and environmental correspondents to put across the 'correct' message. ...Why should the world of gaming be immune?
'Because we just should,' has been the response of the gaming community. They've simply looked at what's happened to the rest of the world - the creeping politicisation of absolutely everything by the cultural Marxists - and decided they want their cloistered play realm to remain sacrosanct.
Video: The 1938 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Pistol Team Show Off
Along with a rookie officer getting shooting instruction. The entire video is a fascinating time capsule of the period. Plus it's interesting to see what aspects of police range training have changed and yet how much remains the same after nearly 80 years.
And maybe it's just the hair styles and suits but all the men in the video have the look of men who are competent, confident, and prepared to take care of business.
[Note: The title says 1936 but a sign in the video says 1938]
Going to War With the Weapons You Didn't Want
It's the Obama way:
"The president launches attacks on the Islamic State with two weapons systems that were targeted for elimination by the administration years before their usefulness ended or any replacements were ready. . . . Doing the math, we see that Obama has already consumed in one night of strikes 47% of next year's planned purchases. The naval inventory will soon be depleted at this rate unless we crank up the arsenal of democracy and stop beating our swords into solar panels."
Rosie O'Donnell: We are bombing Syria because Syria has so much oil, so there is a "financial incentive."
This will come as a surprise to the government of Syria. Perhaps we can hook up the great Afghan oil pipeline to the vast Syrian oil fields.

Hilary's Campaign Staff Also Bathroom Monitors
New Video Released in the Dash-Cam Seatbelt Shooting
Poor aim is why the officer isn't now facing murder charges.
Daniele Watts and the Allure of Racial Victimhood
How To Buy an Armored Personnel Carrier
1. Pick out the one you want online.
2. Bring a lot of cash.

Man the British Version of the TSA Think of Everything
But officer that's just a moon...
Sometimes There is Sadness
From an unfinished essay on why cancer sucks to what people were thinking when they jumped from the WTC towers on 9/11.

So How Chinese Is Chinese Food?
Wait - so General Tso didn't actually develop a new tasty chicken dish?

Vancouver Fails To Appreciate Naked, Erect Satan Sculpture
Yahoo group. That is all.
Come on be a smartie and join the yahoo group party! For the children.
And my lo-fi Twitter spew.
Tonight's post brought to you by no one escapes the official paperwork:

Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips plus $1 for S&H to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send your scraps to BizarroAce. Do not taunt happy-fun ball.

posted by Maetenloch at
10:17 PM
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