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Overnight Open Thread (9-17-2014) »
September 17, 2014
Every Cynical Thing You've Ever Thought About Romance, Marriage, and Sex Is True
At least according to "studies."
So what are some harsh truths that the science of sex has shown us?
1) Those things we say we hate actually make us more attracted to people.
When someone plays hot-cold, keeps you guessing, makes you constantly uncertain?
Yeah, that makes you even more attracted:
Participants in the uncertain condition were most attracted to the men — even more attracted than were participants who were told that the men liked them a lot. Uncertain participants reported thinking about the men the most, and this increased their attraction toward the men. [Psychological Science]
Playing hard to get? It works.
Had it up to here with narcissists? No, we haven't because they really are more attractive.
You know what we like about them the most?
The worst parts -- their entitlement and exploitativeness:
…narcissism leads to popularity at first sight. Second, the aspects of narcissism that are most maladaptive in the long run (exploitativeness/entitlement) proved to be most attractive at zero acquaintance. [Journal of Personality and Social Psychology]
In the original article, there are links to the various assertions.
I know these are "studies" but I'm going to go ahead and believe them because this fits into my theory: Life Is Horrible and People Are Worse.
I got this from Instapundit.