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August 28, 2014
Oh Yes: Ron Paul Says United States Had Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks
Via Hot Air, now the truth about Ron Paul's Trutherism can be told.
Former Rep. Ron Paul said he believes the U.S. government had prior knowledge of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and has kept this information hidden in a classified section of the 9/11 Commission report.
Paul, who made the comments during a radio interview last Friday, also argued that the crimes of Osama bin Laden were "minor" compared to the harm the U.S. government has caused since the 2001 attacks.
"I believe that if we ever get the full truth [about 9/11], we’ll find out that our government had it in the records exactly what the plans were, or at least close to it," said Paul, during the interview with Money and Markets host Charles Goyette. "You already mentioned that [the U.S. government] had been warned that something was going to happen."
However, Paul said he doubted that Bush administration officials personally helped plot the attacks.
“Does that prove the fact that our president and others actually sat down and laid the plans and did this? I don’t think it does,” he said.
Ah. His theory is therefore a "moderate, modest" one.
At the link, he talks about the 9/11 attack being "minor."
But it's not minor enough to keep him from conspiracizing about it.
The former congressman took issue with the term "9/11 truther," arguing that it carried a negative connotation.
"It's politically very risky to talk about [questioning the 9/11 attacks], because the left and the government defenders are really, really quick to discredit anybody who raises any question whatsoever," said Paul. "They paint you, and they say 'oh you question this, that means you’re a truther.' I was always amazed, if you question and you want the truth, how they took a word like 'truther' and turned it into a terrible, terrible word."
Hit the link. There's more. They note that Ron Paul denied believing that the US had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks when asked about it during his 2012 bid for president.
Many of us believed that he actually did believe all this truther nonsense -- he was constantly on truther radio shows, after all, flattering them and their theories.
I see now that many of us were right.
Meanwhile, now the DNC is blasting Rand Paul's alleged (but arguably present) "blame America first" rhetoric.
Eh, I see my own willingness to entertain a Rand Paul presidency (and a Rand Paul foreign policy) dissolving before me every day on the news.