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July 17, 2014
#TheBearIsLoose: Obama Dealing With Dead Americans in Likely Russian Passenger Jet Shoot-Down the Only Way He Knows How
With a photo-op of "The Bear" having a cheeseburger at one of those local burger joints that Common Everyday American Voters love so much.
See, he's Just Like You. Just like you don't do anything special when Russia shoots down a jet, neither does he.
Click on the link to Twichy for pictures from this Photo-Op (and remember as you do that the President doesn't do photo-ops).
Also read their exasperated commentary: Is this real life?
Look, I'm just going to say directly what Peggy Noonan sort of implied and what people are kind of worrying about, silently:
People are beginning to become alarmed that the President may not be mentally well.
This is fucking weird. There are people who don't give a shit at all about social conventions or expected modes of behavior or conforming to anyone else's expectations of what one is supposed to do at one's job during a time of crisis.
We call these people crazy.
When someone shows up for work wearing nothing but a bathrobe and cowboy hat, we don't tweet #TheBearIsLoose; we ask Human Resources to have a check 'round.
Maybe This is It: This would be reassuring, as it's cynical, manipulative, irresponsible, and stupid, but wouldn't necessarily be a sign of mental infirmity:
Seriously. It's all he knows. He doesn't know what to do, so he pretends that there isn't a problem, and hopes that everyone else will just...go along.
-- liberty weeps
It might just be that, Obama deciding that bad news won't affect him politically if he just pretends it doesn't exist at all.
Reconsidering: Although I am still shaken by the president's strange general disconnect from reality, I'm now thinking I got a little over-excitable myself.
At the current moment, this is a plane crash. Americans are dead, but a plane crash itself is not a reason to hit the panic button. There are suspicions of a shoot-down, but suspicions are only suspicions, and the Ukranians have an interest in suggesting Russian culpability.
So while I still think it is deeply weird that this Neroesque buffoon continues on his The Bear Is Loose tour (sponsored by Budweiser, special appearance by Winger), I think I got way too excitable in demanding he drop everything to rush back to the White House as if there were an actual confirmed Act of War.
It's not that. It may turn out to be that, but it's not that yet, and the president shouldn't signal that it is that.
Still... this whole Bear Is Loose tour. That is itself very weird. Even his defenders say things like "He needs to recharge, he needs to draw energy from the Common People."
Which is itself weird, and a sign of fragile personality type.