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July 12, 2014
Buen Trabajo! -- a Follow-Up to Weird Dave [CBD]
Those were the first words of Spanish I had any interest in, because I had an employee who spoke so few words of English that I was unsure whether she was going to appreciate what I was saying.
Yup....over the border (legally) with almost no skills, no English, and only one priceless thing: she was perfectly willing to work her ass off.
Christmas rush. She never missed a day for three months. Her misload frequency was over 3,000, which means that for every 3,000 packages she loaded into a trailer she made less than one mistake. By far the best in the building.
I spoke those words to her and her face lit up like a Christmas tree. Her response was in halting and awkward English, "You make me very happy!"
I moved on, but several years later I visited the building in which she worked and spoke with her. Surprise! She had started a business!

posted by Open Blogger at
11:18 AM
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