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June 25, 2014
Boehner Announces House Will Sue Obama Over His Unconstitutional Arrogation of Power
It's not about impeachment, he says, but about forcing the lawless president to obey the law.
He did not detail his plans at the press conference, but elaborated in a memo to House Republicans sent later Wednesday. In it, he said he plans to bring legislation authorizing the suit to the floor in July, citing concerns that Obama's executive actions could shift the "balance of power decisively and dangerously" in favor of the White House -- giving the president "king-like authority." He cited concerns over policies on health care, energy, foreign policy and education.
"On one matter after another during his presidency, President Obama has circumvented the Congress through executive action, creating his own laws and excusing himself from executing statutes he is sworn to enforce -- at times even boasting about his willingness to do it, as if daring the America people to stop him," he wrote.
Nancy Pelosi called it "a subterfuge," which sounds suspiciously like she doesn't know what "subterfuge" means, and new White House Gangster Mouthpiece Josh Earnest called it a partisan lawsuit "at taxpayer expense," and you know how carefully the Obama team watches those taxpayer dollars.