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June 12, 2014
American Training Personnel Evacuating Iraqi Airbase at Balad
After Looting $429 Million & More Gold Bullion From Mosul Central Bank, ISIS Is Now "The Richest Terror Force In the World"
Balad used to be a joint American-Iraqi airbase. It's now simply an Iraqi airbase, but a dozen official US officers and hundreds of US contractors have been based there, training Iraqis how to fly F-14s.
Per Shep Smith on Fox News, we're now evacuating that base.
Balad lies between Tikrit (in the north) and Baghdad (in the middle of the country). Balad is about 40 km north of Baghdad.
From News of the Inevitable, yes, Iran is now sending in troops to assist the falling Maliki government.
Thusfar it's not a lot of troops...A 150-man unit of the Quds Force, the elite section of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, has deployed to Iraq, supported by a team of Saberin, Tehran’s equivalent of the SAS.
...but they've been effective: It is claimed that the a combined Iranian-Iraqi army has reclaimed 85% of Tikrit.
Two battalions of the Quds Forces, the overseas branch of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps that has long operated in Iraq, came to the aid of the besieged, Shiite-dominated government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, they said.
You will not be shocked to learn that Obama learned about all this when you did. Read Allah's post (linked above) for Allah's disbelief/skepticism that no one in our intelligence community had any kind of inkling this was going to happen.
Some military officials now believe ISIS is the single greatest terrorist threat the U.S. and its allies face—stronger than the al Qaeda affiliates in Yemen or Africa and far more powerful than al Qaeda's central leadership in Pakistan. Other senior U.S. officials say ISIS has yet to carry out any attacks directly targeting the U.S.
"It makes you want to kill yourself," a senior U.S. official said of the intelligence on ISIS, which was presented by U.S. and Gulf allies during the May meeting in Jeddah.
ISIS has bulldozed border berms separating Syria and Iraq, as a signal that they are re-establishing the trans-Arab caliphate.
Also a signal: imposing sharia law on unwilling millions.
The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (Isis) has imposed a strict set of Sharia laws on the citizens of Nineveh province just days after capturing the provincial capital of Mosul.
"For women, dress decently and wear wide clothes. Only go out if needed," read the document [posted on social media] as translated by Al Aan TV reporter Jenan Moussa.
Further rules included bans on drugs, alcohol and cigarettes while public gatherings, the possession of guns and the carrying of flags not of the Islamic state were outlawed.
This is interesting:
The document added that Isis wish to destroy all shrines and graves, in reference to Shia shrines in towns such as Samarra where fighting is continuing.
That might be a serious mistake on their part, but psychopaths are going to do crazy things.
This should make you want to kill yourself:
The group has become the richest terror force in the world after looting $429m and large amounts of gold bullion from Mosul's central bank following the city's capture.
Update: Joey Bidez has given some kind of vague nonsense statement, that the US is "prepared to" "intensify and accelerate" our cooperation with Iraq.
What the hell does that mean?
It's not supposed to mean anything, like everything else this Administration says.