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May 20, 2014
Overnight Open Thread (5-20-2014)
Lefty Scientist: Let's Put Global Warming Deniers in Camps
The problem is, if that should happen, if politicians were to be convicted of willful blindness to the fate of the Earth and future generations, there would have to be mass arrests and lots more funding for new prisons. We're not talking about a mere handful of culprits. It's hard even to know where to start.
Well what else would you expect to come out of a discussion between Bill Moyers and David Suzuki?
Michelle Obama: Children of Oceania America Monitor Your Family For Thoughtcrimes
Because even your own parents could be subversive mothers.
First lady Michelle Obama is encouraging students to monitor their older relatives, friends and co-workers for any racially insensitive comments they might make, and to challenge those comments whenever they're made. The first lady spoke on Friday to graduating high school students in Topeka, Kansas, and in remarks released over the weekend, Obama said students need to police family and friends because federal laws can only go so far in stopping racism.
"[O]ur laws may no longer separate us based on our skin color, but nothing in the Constitution says we have to eat together in the lunchroom, or live together in the same neighborhoods," she said. "There's no court case against believing in stereotypes or thinking that certain kinds of hateful jokes or comments are funny."

Instapundit Gets Frisky
POSTCARDS FROM VENEZUELA: "The guardsmen beat them with their fists and the butts of their rifles, taking away their personal belongings before setting fire to the car." If I lived in Venezuela, I'd find out where the guardsmen lived, and shoot them when they walked out the door in the morning. That is, of course, the proper response to dictators and their minions of every stripe, even Hollywood-backed socialists.
Bookworm Gets Frisky as Well
Second, this is one of those rare occasions where I think it's important for conservatives to behave as badly as Leftists. Writing at DartBlog, Joseph Asch (class of '79) says that conservatives should politely let Angela Davis speak. For the youngsters reading this blog, during the 1960s, Davis was a hard Left radical. Among other things, she arranged to get a gun into a Marin County court room, resulting in a judge and three other men being murdered. Davis, like Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn, has since become an establishment figure. She has never backed off from her hard Left views, nor has she shown any remorse for her active complicity in the murder of four people.
In theory, Asch is right that we should demonstrate tolerance to the hard Left and let Davis speak. The problem, though, is what flows from that tolerance. The Left demonstrates intolerance, and no one gets to listen to an accomplished conservative. Conservatives demonstrate tolerance, and hundreds of malleable students get to listen to a murderous Lefty. We have to shut off the Leftie spigot - if students don't get access to conservative speakers, they shouldn't get access to Leftist speakers either.
A Suggestion From Jonah Goldberg
A friend of mine made a good point recently. People should stop referring to the "Koch brothers." It makes them sound nefarious. We should call them by their names. And it's true when you think about it; for some reason the "brothers" label sounds more nefarious, like the "Stinking Diaz Brothers" from Scarface, or the "Malachi Brothers" from Happy Days, or the "Montirez Brothers" from Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead, or the "Slade Brothers" from Working Girl. Well, you get the point.
A very good point. David and Charles Koch are individuals and have names so constantly referring to them as the 'Koch brothers' is yet another way of dehumanizing them.

Why Does Wendy Davis Hate Malt Liquor, Freedom?

Your Phone Got Wet So Put it in Uncooked Rice Right?
Nope - uncooked rice was one of the least effective drying agents for a dunked phone.
Teen Faces Life Sentence Over Pot Brownies
Pretty much a travesty. Because he used a bit of hash oil in the brownies, the possession instantly becomes a felony and prosecutors can count the entire weight of the batter, sugar, chocolate, etc as hash oil which puts him into the category of a major drug dealer.
The FBI: Where Perjury and Perfidy Prosper
And wounded veterans are punished. Congratulations to now Acting Deputy Assistant Director Teresa Carlson. Hope your honor and decency was worth it.

Welcome to Public Transportation
Because you want to save Gaia and avoid the camps right?

The 15 Best Kate Upton Photos
Because teh boobies are proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. And also drink milk.

The AoSHQ group. Watch yer cornhole.
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posted by Maetenloch at
11:28 PM
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