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May 15, 2014
Time To Give Up Opposition To Amnesty Everyone. Pro Amnesty Side Has...A Poll.
There's a new poll out showing that tea party supporters are super excited about amnesty.
Game over, man. Game. Over.
Voters want Congress to act on immigration reform this year: 71 percent said it is important that Congress act on immigration reform this year, including 69 percent who strongly identify with the Tea Party and 71 percent who identify as conservative Republicans.
Voters support a plan in line with Speaker Boehner’s standards: 76 percent support a plan that would include both improved border security and enforcement as well as a way for undocumented immigrants who are already in this country to stay if they pay penalties, pay back taxes, pass a criminal background check, and learn English and American civics, including 73 percent who strongly identify with the Tea Party and 76 percent who identify as conservative Republicans.
Voters support a way for undocumented immigrants to attain legal status or U.S. citizenship: 70 percent support a plan that provides legal status or U.S. citizenship for undocumented immigrants who pay penalties, pay back taxes, pass a criminal background check, and learn English and American civics, including 67 percent who strongly identify with the Tea Party and 70 percent who identify as conservative Republicans.
Voters would elect a candidate who supports broad reform: 69 percent would vote for a candidate who supports broad reform over one who supports border security only, including 64 percent who strongly identify with the Tea Party and 69 percent who identify as conservative Republicans.
Naturally this poll was commissioned by a pro-amnesty group and all the GOP Amnesty supporters are going gaga over it.
As always I have a few questions.
If amnesty is so gosh darn popular with GOP voters (even tea party voters you guys!) why are Republicans in Congress so afraid to pass it? You can talk about voter 'intensity' but if it's this overwhelmingly popular across such a broad swath of the party, the tiny minority can be as intense as it wants, it will still get swamped by the supposed super majority.
Politicians generally aren't in the habit of saying "screw you" to 70+ percent of voters, yet amnesty supporters consistently see their supporters (John McCain and Mitt Romney to name two) move to the right and pretend they aren't amnesty supporters.
Again, if this is popular surely a candidate would have exploited that opening and fed the demand of the majority that wasn't being met.
Of course the real world shows the exact opposite. Rick Perry and Marco Rubio took huge hits when they were perceived to be to the left on this issue.
Polling can be useful but when it flies in the face of real world actions (the McCain-Kennedy vote in 2007, McCain moving to the right on 2008, Romney moving right in 2008, Rubio's 2013 slide and lack of action in 2014 from the House), you have to think the polling might just reflect some wishful thinking.
(Added: Only 3% of those surveyed said immigration is the, "MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU IN DECIDING YOUR VOTE FOR CONGRESS?")
But Team GOP Amnesty will never give up. It's going to be a constant battle just to get them to not doing something so stupid.

posted by DrewM. at
11:32 AM
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