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May 10, 2014
Open Thread to Get Your Hate On [Y-not]
Here's a thread for those of you who really want to talk politics. Content courtesy of "Hot Gas:"
Longtime Hot Air readers may recall that the first “winner” we ever had in these surveys was Chris Christie. Four years ago he earned 29% of the vote, but my, how things change. Christie now has 1% of the vote and sits well behind everyone except Mike Huckabee, who he ties, Rick Santorum, and Joe Scarborough, who out of over 3000 votes received a grand total of 6.
Your current leader? Ted Cruz, who earned 29% of the vote. The top five is rounded out by Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Rick Perry and Mitt Romney.
Follow the link to see how the issues tested.
You all know I'm a Perry-loving RINO. I denounce myself.

posted by Open Blogger at
01:02 PM
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