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May 10, 2014
What Are Neightbors For, Eh? - [Niedermeyer's Dead Horse]
I didn't have time this week to research for a car thread, so you get this instead.
Frost wrote "Good fences make good neighbors" and, frankly, I couldn't have said it better myself. I want just enough familiarity with my neighbors that they'll make note of a strange truck hauling away my stuff.
I don't want to know about their kids or grand-kids.
I don't want to know about their problems.
I don't want to know about their dreams in life.
I want to recognize the car in their driveway and for them to do the same for me.
In any neighborhood, good or bad, there are bound to be good neighbors and bad: The ones who play loud music at inappropriate hours, who leave their trashcans by the curb for days, who peer through their window and lie in wait to gossip at the first crack of your door on a Saturday morning.
Still, it could be worse.
Ahhh, Florida.
Who are your best and worst neighbors? What makes them so?
To what lengths have you gone to avoid the bad ones?
Any advice for folks in a pickle with their own bad neighbors?
Open thread.

posted by Open Blogger at
04:17 PM
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