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May 07, 2014
Epic: Al Sharpton's One-Man War On the English Language
Two things flow from this:
1. He does not write or even review his scripts before he films the show. If he did either of those things, he'd know how to pronounce some of these words, and they wouldn't sneak up on him like crafty hobgoblins.
2. He doesn't, it seems, read very much at all, because common words like "tortoise," "hubris," and even "Kardashian" are apparently not in his active vocabulary. He thus has to sound them out through phonics as he sees them, pronouncing them as if they literally come from a foreign language ("tortoise" becomes the made-up French word "tortisse," accent firmly on the -isse).
This frequently results in wordcrime.
This great video was put together by "The Anti-Hillary Internet Website."
This is MSNBC.
"The celebration of Mexican heritage and pride."