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May 05, 2014
Top Headline Comments 5-5-14
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Sen. Paul puts hold on Obama judicial nom who wrote at least one unreleased drone killing memo. Continuing his smart pattern of asking for actual gets when does these things, Paul says he'll release the hold if Obama releases the memos.
Former presiding FISA court judge says he expects no legislative alteration to the FISA regime until at least after the midterms.
Iowa's 1st congressional district GOP voted over the weekend voted to add this plank to the GOP platform: "We support the removal of the institution of marriage from government control." It was heated. "'I begged people to stand up, I shouted stand up for morality!' Saul wrote on Facebook. 'No one else other than the 89 stood. I shouted at the ones sitting down and called them moral cowards. They threatened to remove me and called the sergeant of arms.'"
Suprise! Switching from gasoline to ethanol-enhanced fuel is linked to more ozone pollution.
Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft say they are rewriting their privacy policies so that they will now disclose to the user if a government agency subpoenas the user's information without a court-issued gag order.
Read this teacher's angry post about having to administer a flawed Common Core exam.
This sounds like something out of turn of the century pulp horror—turn of the last century, that is.
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posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:50 AM
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