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April 14, 2014
Top Headline Comments (4-14-2014)
The Weekly Standard has a piece nicely illustrating my point on the last podcast about the government being the main obstacle to economic dynamism. Pity the poor bureaucrats.
Speaking of innovations that can spur the economy, have you heard about the crowdfunding project for a movie about Kermit Gosnell's house of abortion horrors? Well you wouldn't have if Kickstarter had their way.
And of course my favorite leftist boot on the neck of the economy comes from the greens, who just got the 5th installment of the IPCC's report on Global Warming or whatever they're calling it now. The Heartland Institute has a report from the climate realist side that rubbishes any claim of "consensus" (for whatever that's worth) but it's hard for people to hear about it when the newsertainment business propagandizes for the other side.
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