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April 10, 2014
Revealed: Obamacare is Still Very Unpopular, and No Prog "Unskewing" of the Polls Can Change That
A much-publicized Washington Post/ABCNews poll claimed that Obamacare had suddenly garnered near-majority support from the country.
But a new USAToday poll finds that Obamacare is as unpopular as it's been for years, so that ABC poll was, as many suspected, simply an outlier, the 1-in-20 they mean when they warn that 1-in-20 times the poll will simply be wrong.
USAToday finds that Obamacare is at 37% approval, 50% disapproval, in line with all other polls. Except for that one ABC one.
And even worse, a majority says that Obamacare will have a major impact on how they vote this November.
Now progs are doing what progs will do, which to attempt to prove how clever they are by demonstrating that facts are not facts at all, but social constructs we invent in our minds to justify racism or something.
You prove your cleverness by saying things which aren't true, but which aren't true in a clever way.
They're claiming that a majority actually supports Obamacare... or, rather, supports either Obamacare or a more leftwing alternative. They're adding that 37% support for Obamacare to another figure that says something like 12% would prefer a "more liberal" law, and coming up with 49% in favor of Obamacare or something even worse.
You will not be surprised that the neutral, objective news organization CNN is pushing this Conspiracy Theory of Numbers.
At Mediaite, Noah Rothman calls this twaddle, citing, as his chief analyst, the rightwing hostaetmen at... Huffington Post and 538.com.
Recently, partnering with the polling firm YouGov, Huffington Post polling analyst Mark Blumenthal attempted to duplicate CNN’s method of divining support for the ACA among those who do not support the ACA. To clarify CNN’s findings, he performed one extra step. “In your own words,” HuffPost asked select respondents, “what do you mean when you say the health care law is not liberal enough?”
“[V]ery few said they opposed the law because they would prefer a ‘single payer’ system (6 percent of those answering) or would prefer either the ‘public option’ or an alternative to ensure “healthcare for all” (4 percent),” Blumenthal revealed.
A much larger portion of the not-liberal-enough group referenced high costs (15 percent), the mandate to purchase health insurance (12 percent), or more general complaints about a lack of choice or too much government control (13 percent).
“I don’t think forcing everyone to buy insurance is liberal at all,” one respondent told Blumenthal.
“Liberal means choice to me at least and it leaves us no choice, we are forced to buy insurance we may neither need or want,” another said.
These are not promising results for the set of ACA supporters who had convinced themselves they were members of a new silent majority.
Remember, there's a Wonk Gap, and there's a situation of Asymmetrical Stupidity, and they're just smarter than you, so shut your stupid mouths and go back to blowin' on your whiskey jugs, you unlettered, unshoed Unpeople.
Click on Rothman's link to read the rest, including 538's analysis of prog claims that a lot of people don't think Obamacare goes "far enough." As well as a roundup of all the usual useless retransmitters of progressive memes writing furiously about this Exciting New Way to Look At Numbers.
Spoiler Alert: They don't seem to mean what progs believe they mean.