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April 12, 2014
Saturday Gardening Thread: Mystery Edition [Y-not and WeirdDave]
Welcome, gardening morons and moronettes! Today's thread is brought to you by unclear on the Concept:
Your co-host, WeirdDave, has returned from his tropical vacay with the lovely Gingy. I'm sure we're all very eager to find out what he has in store for us this week. Take it away, WeirdDave!
So, last year my garden was all:

But that didn't work out so well, so this year I went totally:

Which is better, but I needed one of these:
to come give me some of this:

to fill up the new beds. Only problem is that there's a muddy, slippery one of these:
Between the dirt at the bottom and the garden at the top. All I have is one of these:

And one of these:

To get the job done, so lots of work for me this weekend. When I'm done, however, I'll have a place to put these:

which are all tomatoes. Why did I plant so many?
Also, today is my birthday, so I'm including a video.
Weirddave out. PEACE! (Note to self: stop watching Phineas and Ferb)
And now, from Casa Y-not where now both Y-not and her handsome husband have been battling colds, a potpourri of gardening-related items. First off, in honor of WeirdDave's picture-heavy contribution -- as well as the theme of "Mystery" -- here's a picture of some seeds that have sprouted:
Recall, I stuck these directly into my raised beds a couple of weeks ago, just prior to being called out of town. So they were not watered, but they WERE snowed upon (twice!). I have no idea what these are because Little Debbie decided to remove the stake labels. They're either radishes or beets, I think.
Now, onto the rest of the content.
In honor of the Masters tournament this weekend, here's a hole by hole guide of Augusta National. In case you didn't know, the holes at Augusta National are named for plants.
This is a nice companion piece to that tour -- it's a map of Augusta National's biggest landmarks.
If you'd like to turn YOUR yard into a mini Augusta, you might want to check out this website. I'll take one of those magnolias, please!
In case you missed it, earlier this year one of the more iconic features of the course, the famous Eisenhower Tree, was severely damaged in a storm and had to be removed. (The tree was so-named because Eisenhower, who was a club member, had so much difficulty making shots around it that he kept lobbying to have it cut down.)
Speaking of Ike, did you know the Obamas were not the first First Family to have a garden? No, no, it's true! I'm as shocked as you are, but apparently other occupants of the White House also had gardens. I'm stunned.
This will probably also come as a surprise to you, but even those knuckle-draggers down in Texas dabble in gardens. One is even named after a former first lady!
The world never ceases to amaze me. I thought gardening began in 2008 with our current FLOTUS! I guess it's really true, "history travels not only forwards, but backwards and sideways."
This week's Blog of the Week is Mr. Brown Thumb. Just because.

posted by Open Blogger at
11:32 AM
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