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April 07, 2014
You Really Think The GOP Is Going To Repeal ObamaCare? Then Why Did House GOP Just Pass A Bill To "Fix" Part Of It?
Remember the sham vote the House GOP leadership held the week before last to increase Medicare spending over the level it was supposed to be? Well, via Monty King of the DOOMED, it turns out there was a little something extra in the bill...an ObamaCare "fix".
At the prodding of business organizations, House Republicans quietly secured a recent change in President Barack Obama's health law to expand coverage choices, a striking, one-of-a-kind departure from dozens of high-decibel attempts to repeal or dismember it.
Democrats describe the change involving small-business coverage options as a straightforward improvement of the type they are eager to make, and Obama signed it into law. Republicans are loath to agree, given the strong sentiment among the rank and file that the only fix the law deserves is a burial.
"Maybe you say it helps (Obamacare), but it really helps the small businessman," said Rep. Phil Roe, R-Tenn., one of several physician-lawmakers among Republicans and an advocate of repeal.
Yes, yes...all Republicans hate ObamaCare equally, even the ones who vote to "fix" it.
The merits of this particular policy are neither here nor there. The House GOP talks a big game in public and then rams through a provision that not only puts the GOP's fingerprints on ObamaCare but gives vulnerable Senate Democrats a talking point, "See, we can fix ObamaCare if the Republicans would just be flexible and reasonable like they were in this case!".
The whole idea behind not "fixing" ObamaCare is that in order to do the heavy lifting of repealing it you need as many people angry about it as possible. If you start pealing off repeal supporters, you're helping eliminate pressure to actually repeal the damn thing. But let's be honest, "repeal" is just some BS Republicans tell people to win their votes. When push comes to shove, they will tinker with it and call it a day.
All you have to believe to support the GOP is that the key to reducing government is spending more and "fixing" ObamaCare is the only way to repeal it.
But hey...Go Team GOP! Yay!
And just because: Jeb Bush- Illegal immigrants didn't really break the law, they committed "an act of love".
Run Jeb, run!

posted by DrewM. at
09:56 AM
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