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March 28, 2014
I make a policy to not care about Gwyneth Paltrow. I believe that most of us are on this same page together.
I know there are a lot of people on the internet who care a great deal about Gwyneth Paltrow. They hate her. There are, I am reliably informed, blogs primarily given over to analyzing in precisely which ways, and to what degree, Gwyneth Paltrow is a detestable pile of loathsomeness who should be denounced when she isn't being mocked.
I did not bother to blog about her divorce from Coldplay's Chris Martin, despite the fact that the Daily Mail's sidebar wants me to know it is the Most Important Thing Ever, and despite the pictures of her Secret Smooch with Donovan Leitch (who is, by the way, who exactly? I have never heard of this guy except for his vague connection to Gwyneth Paltrow), each laid out in sequence like frames 263 to 267 of the Zapruder Film.
So, I don't care about her, and I don't understand why people hate her so much.
But, as they say: Confessing ignorance is the first step on the path towards enlightenment.
"It's much harder for me," she begins, talking about how hard it is to be a mom and an actress.
She should have stopped there. But she didn't.
She went on to explain that yes, she's saying she has it harder than women working in regular jobs.
"I think it's different when you have an office job, because it's routine and, you know, you can do all the stuff in the morning and then you come home in the evening," said the polarizing Paltrow. "When you're shooting a movie, they're like, 'We need you to go to Wisconsin for two weeks,' and then you work 14 hours a day and that part of it is very difficult. I think to have a regular job and be a mom is not as, of course there are challenges, but it's not like being on set."
Well it's true that during shoots, a celebrity does work long hours. Of course, most people with "regular jobs" are required to periodically work long hours.
And they're also often required to travel, away from their kids and their home.
And the people with regular jobs had to, get this, come into work every day.
Actors do work very hard (or at least for long hours) while shooting. But shooting a whole movie is a 25-35 day proposition.
And then they're... not working at all, for months at a time. And if you're an in-demand actress like Paltrow, you get to then not work for months at a time while living off that several million dollar check you got for your 30 day shoot.
That's sort of a... benefit, no?
And of course while on a shoot, they're not working every minute. They spend a lot of time in the trailer.