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March 24, 2014
Of Course: Amidst 17 Year Run of No Observable Global Warming, IPCC Set to Release "Darkest" and Most Dire Report Yet on Coming Catastrophe of Global Warming
Be afraid.
UN scientists are set to deliver their darkest report yet on the impacts of climate change, pointing to a future stalked by floods, drought, conflict and economic damage if carbon emissions go untamed.
The report goes on to claim:
A great and rich power will be subject to serious natural disasters,
particularly earthquakes and flooding, and rend the nation from end to end, causing enormous conflict, despair, and misery. The wealthy power will be bankrupted attempting to deal with its disasters. Three other great nations will send aid to help the citizens survive.
Oh I'm sorry, that's not from the IPCC report, that's from the Prophecies of Nostradamus, Volume I, Century VIII quatrain 29.
Here's The Australian previewing the new prophecies:
It predicted global temperatures would rise 0.3C-4.8C this century, adding to roughly 0.7C since the Industrial Revolution. Seas will creep up by 26cm-82cm by 2100. The draft warns costs will spiral with each additional degree, although it is hard to forecast by how much.
Let me note there is such a vast difference between a low-end prediction of zero point three degrees Centigrade -- over a century! -- and 4.8 degrees C that this hardly counts as a prediction at all.
And let me note that actual observed warming is lower than 95% of all "modeling" predictions.
Andrew Bolt notes the odd inverse relationship between evidence and shrillness: as the former declines, the latter rises up in a hockey-stick like spike.