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March 05, 2014
Top Headline Comments (3-5-2014)
Could they make a better argument for home schooling?
A ten-year-old Ohio boy was suspended from school after a teacher caught him brandishing a “level 2 lookalike firearm.” What lookalike firearm was this, you ask? Well, Nathan Entingh got in trouble after he pretended to use his finger as a gun. Yep, his finger.
I was tempted to go see how many levels of lookalike firearm there are in Ohio, but I fear that'd be too much of a stupid overload to start the day with.
Could they make a better argument for ending the Academy Awards?
12 Years A Slave is one of those “important subject” films that people will call a “difficult watch” while praising it, implying that you should sit through it to better yourself even if you don’t enjoy the experience. Not surprisingly, a few members of the Academy privately admitted to the LA Times that they wanted to reward the eventual Best Picture winner for its importance (and congratulate themselves for doing so), while foregoing the possible trauma of actually watching it.
Want to win an Oscar? Just make a Very Important Film about an Approved Topic and watch the accolades roll in.