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Ukrainian President Flees Kiev [CBD] »
February 22, 2014
Saturday Morning Open Thread
Late yesterday we learned that the San Diego sheriff won't seek an en banc review of the Peruta right to carry case by the Ninth Circuit. As is pointed out at the link, there's a similar, and conflicting, case out of the Third Circuit for which certiorari has already been petitioned at the Supreme Court. They're almost guaranteed to take the case to resolve this circuit split.
Obama calls retreat
Kiev is ablaze. Syria is a killing field. The Iranian mullahs aren’t giving up their nuclear weapons capability, and other regimes in the Middle East are preparing to acquire their own. Al Qaeda is making gains and is probably stronger than ever. China and Russia throw their weight around, while our allies shudder and squabble.
Why is this happening? Because the United States is in retreat. What is the Obama administration’s response to these events? Further retreat.
GM is alive, Bin Laden is dead, and our Secretary of State is fighting ... "climate change". We're in the best of hands, folks. The best.
Great headline, or greatest headline ever?: Lesbian animal charity boss in tragic love triangle paid £180,000 to gag at least six senior members of staff