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February 14, 2014
AoSHQ Podcast: Guest, CAC
As promised ... or threatened, depending on how you look at these things ... we had CAC on this week to talk about elections, polls and all sorts of other fun topics. Enjoy!
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Open thread in the comments.
[Ace:] Someone Suggested... we "reset" the site from all this gay talk with boobs.
Well, I don't publish boob pics. But you know who does? Andy, Dave, LauraW & co at The H2. Caution: Gigantic boobs.
Also, this is that video I mentioned in the podcast, when CAC brought up possible GOP Senate nominee Paul Broun.
[JohnE.]: Here are the videos I spoke about on the Podcast, by Australian scientist Derek Muller. The first asks if a large percentage of Facebook's official and legitimate advertising on the site is a result of fraud. Facebook appears to be okay with this because, of course, they're raking in money from it. The second questions Facebook's long term viability as a major force in the online world. I highly recommend watching these (they're about 8 minutes each); they're really interesting. You can also follow him here --> @veritasium.