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February 13, 2014
Feelgood Story Of The Day II: House Republicans Say Cruz Killed Immigration Reform
Ted Cruz. Is there anything he can't do?
"House Republicans who supported 'principles' of immigration reform floated by Speaker John Boehner late last month grumbled Tuesday that the plan was dead on arrival because Cruz blasted it as 'amnesty,' spurring a blizzard of negative phone calls to House Republicans."
Yeah. People were totally jamming the phone lines because Ted Cruz called it "amnesty". If that one blasted fellow hadn't said anything, people would've been a-ok with it.
These unnamed, grumbly House Republicans sound a lot like Al Gore's AGW co-religionists who blame Climate Change!™ for everything.
Meanwhile, out here in the hinterlands we don't need Ted Cruz to tell us that the House desperately wants to sell us out on amnesty. We have Drew M. for that.