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February 11, 2014
Obama's Ambassadorial Picks Are Exactly As Qualified As You'd Expect
The third video here with the exchange between Sen. McCain and Obama nominee George Tsunis just has to be seen to be believed.
MR. TSUNIS: Thank you, Senator. It's a very seminal question. Generally Norway has, and is very proud of, being a very open, transparent, democratic parliamentary government. One of the by- products of being such an open society and placing such a value on free speech is that you get some fringe elements that have a microphone, that spew their hatred. And although I will tell you Norway has been very quick to denounce them, we're going to continue to work with Norway to make sure --
SEN. MCCAIN: The government has denounced them? The coalition government -- they're part of the coalition of the government.
MR. TSUNIS: Well, I would say -- you know, what? I stand -- I stand corrected.
SEN. MCCAIN: I seriously --
MR. TSUNIS: The -- I stand corrected and would like to leave my answer at they are -- it's a very, very open society and that most Norwegians -- the overwhelming amount of Norwegians and the overwhelming amount of people in parliament don't feel the same way.
SEN. MCCAIN: I have no more questions for this incredibly, highly qualified group of nominees.
I say there's a 70% chance this guy gets confirmed.
Also check out the video of Obama bundler and Jim Messina BFF Noah Mamet, who Obama nominated for posting to Argentina. His confirmation is presently being held up by Democrats who are mad that Mamet leveraged his clients' (that is Democratic donors) money to buy an ambassadorship, knocking several of them out of the running for the plum assignments.
“There was a feeling of, ‘Wait a minute. It’s my money he’s getting that with,’” said one California-based fundraiser of Mamet’s ambassador role.
Today, Buzzfeed's Ruby Cramer found out it was Democratic Sen. Menendez who put the hold on Mamet's confirmation. Ah, Blue on Blue, how I've missed you. Nice to see a little Democratic infighting for a change, no?

posted by Gabriel Malor at
04:28 PM
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