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February 06, 2014
Boehner Shelving Immigration Reform Until Next Year, Maybe?
"Why now?"
But the objection is primarily about timing. Allah's take is that they will do something DREAMy before 2016.
Boehner wants to do this but some sizable chunk of the caucus — a majority? a sizable minority? — prefers to wait. Here’s the question: If he could get more of a Republican buy-in next year, why shouldn’t he wait? Matt Lewis argued the other day that amnesty opponents will always gin up some sort of excuse related to the timing to keep kicking the immigration-reform can down the road, but I simply can’t believe party leaders and their business backers will send the GOP nominee into battle in 2016 without arming him with some sort of amnesty to show Latino voters. It might be a limited one like DREAM, but something’s going to happen.