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January 31, 2014
AoSHQ Podcast: Guest, Guy Benson
Crap! I got so busy at work I forgot to do the podcast post. The actual audio portion of the post has been available for 12 hours or so in the sidebar and via the iTunes/RSS/Stitcher subscription options, though, so there's that.
Townhall.com editor and Fox News contributor Guy Benson joins Ace, Gabe, Drew and John to talk about how the 2016 GOP field is shaping up, the Democrats' disaster prep. for 2014 and other fun topics.
Ace also treats you to an impersonation or two.
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AoSHQ Podcast (@AoSHQPodcast)
Ace (@AceofSpadesHQ)
Drew M. (@DrewMTips)
Gabriel Malor (@GabrielMalor)
John E. (@JohnEkdahl)
Andy (@TheH2 and @AndyM1911)
Open thread in the comments.