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January 15, 2014
Jimmy Kimmel Rips Obamacare and Young Voters
From @rdbrewer4 in the sidebar, and recommended as a main post by @comradearthur.
I like everything about this except the part where he encourages young people to vote.
Then he suggests they pick up a newspaper once in a while.
I'd reverse that sequence. Pick up a newspaper, and then, after reading it for a year or two, then start voting.
I'm not sure if anyone besides the gasbags of the Sunday show has explained Obamacare's generational cost-shifting to the country. Kimmel manages it a couple of sentences.
Is this important? Somewhat, I think. As many of us here have observed, it's a major shift to see Obama laughed at, and not just Obama, but his supposedly For the Greater Good schemes. The left advances by asserting that it is both intellectually and morally superior to its critics; to laugh at Obama's incompetence and to attack him for swindling the innocent is to deny both claims.
More and more I've come to believe that politics is ultimately not about what people read, or learn, or come to believe after giving it careful thought. Politics is all about what people "know" without quite knowing how they came to know it.
Which is just another way of saying: You can't reason someone out of a position he wasn't reasoned into in the first place. The real driver of opinion is not reason -- it never has been and never will be -- but pre-rational things like What Everyone Else is Saying.
A somewhat smaller number of people now "know" Obama is competent and virtuous and honest, and a somewhat higher number of people "know" (closer to really knowing, in my opinion) that he is incompetent and dishonest and manipulative.
Transcript at the link. Video below stolen from Newsbusters.