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January 15, 2014
Morning Quick Hits
I talked to Ace about experimenting with this...a post with 2 or 3 stories in it. They are interesting but may not be worth a full post (or I just don't have time to do a full one).
1- The Next ObamaCare Problem: Over/Under estimating your subsidy level.
We've talked about this several times on the podcast. If you get a subsidy from the government for an ObamaCare policy, it's based on your income. But if your income changes or you're a freelancer who has no clue what your income is from quarter to quarter, let alone over the year, you could wind up with too much or too little of a subsidy.
If you underestimate your income, you might owe a bunch of money at the end of the year.
Fun surprises courtesy of the Democrats.
2. Liberals Continue To Be Dismayed People Won't Let Elites Run Their Lives.
Liberals want you to drive small, expensive, crappy cars in order to save Gaia. People who actually buy cars on the other hand want Big Ass American Horse Power(tm) that make Gaia and Al Gore cry.
Try as they might, people insist on making their own choices.
This is why at the end of the left's road is always state violence. People won't give up their freedom or their possessions willingly. They will have to be taken from them by force.
Note: I'm not saying American liberals are about to set up concentration camps. I'm saying that there's a reason happy talk from socialists and communists always wind up in a massive body count.
3. Why The GOP Establishment Might Lose: Money.
Team GOP loves to harp on the fundraising efforts of conservative insurgents as a means to deligitimize them...that funding stream is a threat to party leaders and big money donors with vested interests in a compliant rightwing of the GOP.
It's funny how so many Republicans sound like liberals railing about the danger of money in politics when the money isn't going to them. To hear them harp on about it you'd think Ted Cruz and Jim DeMint invented political fundraising or something.
posted by DrewM. at
11:33 AM
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