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January 11, 2014
Times They Are A Changin' Open Thread - [Niedermeyer's Dead Horse]
Here's an open thread to get you through until the next serious post pops up. Perhaps it will lighten the mood a little.
Times they are a changin'.
Things aren't as simple as they used to be, not that they were ever simple but, they were never this complicated before.
And the kids, we bemoan how rotten they are but, hell, who raised them? I mean, really?! Not every rotten kid came from rotten parents and not every rotten parent produces bad kids but, more often than not, well... the gravitational force exerted on a Red Delicious results in said Red Delicious lying proximate to Malus Domestica.
And sex... my heavens at the hyper-sexual imagery they are basted in. It's everywhere. And, simultaneous to the increase in their exposure to sex is a loss of the traditional family. Kids are left alone, fending for themselves, with television and video games serving as surrogate parents.
It takes its toll.
CoolCzech really deserves the credit for this post because it was his pictorial of the change in culture between the 80's and the 20teens which made me stop and think about it.
To make it up to you, here's a photo of an 80's-era piglet, complete with legwarmers.

Cute, isn't it? It's as if it has never been exposed to the harsh ways of the world.
Keep your kids safe and teach them well because, when you don't, the consequences can be dire...

Don't let this happen to your own little piglets.
BTW, I watched Don Jon tonight. I enjoyed it. And, you Morons, Scarlett Johnasson is great in it.
Now. I'll leave you to your deep thoughts.

posted by Open Blogger at
01:47 PM
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