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January 10, 2014
The Human Foible of Believing Oneself Superior to Others Extends Even to... Prisoners
Better Than You.
Except on one count. We'll get to that.
They compared themselves in one survey to other prisoners (the average prisoner) and in the other survey to the average member of all society.
The results suggest low self-esteem is not among the prisoners’ problems. Compared to their fellow inmates, “they rated themselves as more moral, kinder to others, more self-controlled, more law-abiding, more compassionate, more generous, more dependable, more trustworthy, and more honest.”
In addition, “Participants rated themselves as better than the average community member on all traits, with the exception of law-abidingness.” On that last point, the researchers report, “they rated themselves as equally law abiding” as the average person, “which may be the most surprising of all, given their incarcerated status.”
This provides evidence of the robust—and groundless—nature of the “better-than-average effect.”
On law-abidingess, inmates in stir are "average." In all other areas -- including kindness! -- they're better than average.
Thanks to @rdbrewer4.