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January 08, 2014
Glenn Beck: "Let's not become what we despise"
A general call for a detente in the War of Outrageous Outrage, and absolves Melissa Harris-Perry of the charge of intentional mean-spiritedness towards the newest Romney.
Needless to say, Beck’s graciousness towards an opponent won’t be repaid the next time he says something controversial. Which he knows, of course. This is an argument about decency for its own sake, not some proposed truce in the outrage wars which everyone understands won’t last a day.
Right, there's not much to be gained tactically here -- the Left doesn't honor truces; they are forever at war with the society that shelters them -- but there is always the matter of virtue for its own sake.
One thing I'd continue to point out, however, is per Melissa Harris-Perry's own rules, what she said was racist. I don't believe that, of course. Yes, we do notice a single black face in a sea of white ones. It's human nature. And Melissa Harris Perry proves that even minorities notice this.
And use it as the jumping-off point for race-conscious jokes. Every joke they made was goofing on the baby for being different.
Does anyone doubt that, roles reversed, Melissa Harris Perry would have called Glenn Beck a racist for noticing, say, that the very-white Elizabeth Warren family had adopted a black kid?
Of course, Glenn Beck wouldn't have done this -- not because doing so would have been racist, but because doing so would have been falsely and absurdly alleged to be racist.
The Left doesn't bother to observe the rules they inflict on everyone else, obviously. And we must always point this out. For example, only someone comfortably on the Left could possibly write, and then have published, an article essentially accusing Catholics on the Supreme Court of dual-loyalty to the Vatican.
This sort of general anti-Catholic attack -- How can we trust Catholics to abide US policy when they're acting agents of the Papist Peril? -- has been considered rude and intellectually bankrupt since at least the mid-sixties, and yet here's a Leftist In Good Standing impugning Catholics' ability to discharge their duties as government officers owing to a spiritually allegiance to a foreign power.